miércoles, 26 de mayo de 2010


The University of Chile is the most ancient university in this country. It was founded 167 years ago and has tradition and excellence. In Latin America this is the fourth university and internationally, it ranks the 182nd place, it’s not too bad because there are 8000 universities competing.
When I chose the university I had no doubts, it is the best in education, values and prestige.


In general level, even though the university is public, it is expensive. I think the state should pay a greater share of the cost of the careers. I think too, the money is unevenly distributed among faculties. For example, the FEN (Faculty of Economics and Business) has very good facilities and technology and, my faculty (Faculty of Forestry and Nature Conservation), has very poor facilities.

What I like about my faculty:

In first place, it is very large and with many green areas, I really like it; I have seen universities and faculties very “dry”. I could not go to classes only seeing concrete buildings and, with luck, a little grass… I think there would depress me because I love nature! and I can’t live without it. Thanks to this, there are many places where you can share with people and never get bored.
I remember when I went to school; I hated how small and little green it was… I think I’m claustrophobic! Because it depresses and bores me too much.

Because of this, I think I’ll have to work in field and not in offices.

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