miércoles, 12 de mayo de 2010

My websites

I have not a favorite website related with my career, but I have a website related with some important stuffs in my career like geology, taxonomy, botany, cytology, physiology, biochemistry, etc. The web address is: http://cienciasnaturales.es/ . I found this website through a physiology teacher who taught to a friend.

I really like how dynamic is this page, here you can find some process very important to our matters and it explain you so simple and easy that you will learn very quickly. Thanks to this website, I learnt about plant physiology, process like the photosynthesis and cellular respiration.

This page have too a link called “enlaces” here you can search any topic you want and this gives you a website related with that topic.

Another web site I like is http://www.biologie.uni-hamburg.de/b-online/ibc99/botanica/botanica/presenta.htm which is related only with botany. I like very much this area. This page is like a book about botany, can be found divisions, families, names, glossary, among others and it helped to me to understand at first the classifications of botany. I found this website searching in my free time looking for information related with this topic two years ago (in my first year of career).

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