miércoles, 26 de mayo de 2010


The University of Chile is the most ancient university in this country. It was founded 167 years ago and has tradition and excellence. In Latin America this is the fourth university and internationally, it ranks the 182nd place, it’s not too bad because there are 8000 universities competing.
When I chose the university I had no doubts, it is the best in education, values and prestige.


In general level, even though the university is public, it is expensive. I think the state should pay a greater share of the cost of the careers. I think too, the money is unevenly distributed among faculties. For example, the FEN (Faculty of Economics and Business) has very good facilities and technology and, my faculty (Faculty of Forestry and Nature Conservation), has very poor facilities.

What I like about my faculty:

In first place, it is very large and with many green areas, I really like it; I have seen universities and faculties very “dry”. I could not go to classes only seeing concrete buildings and, with luck, a little grass… I think there would depress me because I love nature! and I can’t live without it. Thanks to this, there are many places where you can share with people and never get bored.
I remember when I went to school; I hated how small and little green it was… I think I’m claustrophobic! Because it depresses and bores me too much.

Because of this, I think I’ll have to work in field and not in offices.

miércoles, 19 de mayo de 2010

My hobbies

I have some few hobbies, one of the things I like to do is watching movies so I love going to the cinema once a month with some friend or my boyfriend. I think I like it because the sound and big images, and more if they are in third dimension.

I also like swimming; I’m going twice a week with my university partners only for fun and I really love this sport. I recently discovered it this year, when my friend encourage to go whit her. We go to the Sports Centre of the university there, in Cal y Canto station. I’m thinking of keep going because every class is more exciting.

One of my favourite hobbies is meeting my friends, I spent a pleasant time with them, I relax, I talk funny things and I really love those moments, I forget problems and always learn something from people. In brief I love my friends.

Something I want to do someday is to travel and take a tour for all Europe, know the different cultures and appreciate the ancient ruins. That is my dream and I hope I can fulfill it someday.

Those are my hobbies and my dreams.

miércoles, 12 de mayo de 2010

My websites

I have not a favorite website related with my career, but I have a website related with some important stuffs in my career like geology, taxonomy, botany, cytology, physiology, biochemistry, etc. The web address is: http://cienciasnaturales.es/ . I found this website through a physiology teacher who taught to a friend.

I really like how dynamic is this page, here you can find some process very important to our matters and it explain you so simple and easy that you will learn very quickly. Thanks to this website, I learnt about plant physiology, process like the photosynthesis and cellular respiration.

This page have too a link called “enlaces” here you can search any topic you want and this gives you a website related with that topic.

Another web site I like is http://www.biologie.uni-hamburg.de/b-online/ibc99/botanica/botanica/presenta.htm which is related only with botany. I like very much this area. This page is like a book about botany, can be found divisions, families, names, glossary, among others and it helped to me to understand at first the classifications of botany. I found this website searching in my free time looking for information related with this topic two years ago (in my first year of career).

miércoles, 5 de mayo de 2010


I love watching movies, I think I can be watching films a whole day without being bored, is more, I see at least one at day when I have not to study and I go to cinema at least one time at month. I've seen a very good movies as well as I've seen a very bad movies so I can have an opinion about.

I have a very long list with my favourite films, for example I liked so much “The bucket List” by Rob Reiner’s, here works Morgan freeman and I love this actor. He acts in other movies I like as “The Shawshank redemption” and “Invictus”.
Another actor I like is Will Smith with “Seven Pounds”, “I am Legend” and “Pursuit of Happiness”, and every film has a meaning so deep… I really cried all.
I can not name to “The Notebook”, what a beautiful love story! I loved it.
Well, as you noticed I love drama films... All can make me feel things like joy, pain and sadness but the most important, each one have a meaning of life.

More drama films I like: The Soloist, City of Angels, American History X, My sister’s keeper, The Blind Side, The Reader. And love stories like Young Victoria, 50 first dates, Twilight and The Illusionist.
Changing genre: I liked so much Avatar by James Cameron (very good in 3D), Up! (Very nice movie! See it) and I the list continue…

Oh! Movies I don’t like: All Stars Wars, I hate them.