miércoles, 28 de abril de 2010

Is Catholic Church in crisis?

Have you seen Martin Luther King?
Well, it shows how the Catholic Church abused of the people, they made people believed that they could pay for their sins with money, they lied about things are (aren’t) in the bible, they didn’t left to the people read the bible…and so much things I don’t remember…despite of the passing of time, nowadays is not very different.
So, I think the Catholic Church always have been problems with people, now are the abused to children, tomorrow can be other hundreds of things. I don’t say doesn’t exist good people in there, but the fame that this church have done is more shocking than anything.
With that kind of behaviour Catholic Church is going to fall, so it’s a very deep theme I think must be considered for people and the Vatican.
The consequences that the Catholic Church might have are many, staring with unbelief of the people to God and mostly the church and her priests. Everyone sins, I can’t argue about that, but unfortunately the Catholic Church sins are too ugly and shameful and horrible. I really hope they can fix their problems and people start to believe again and end this crisis.

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