miércoles, 14 de abril de 2010

8.8 richter in Chile!

When the earthquake started, I was sleeping in my bedroom very quiet so... At first time, I didn't know what was happening and I listened a voice very strong saying: down the stairs! it's an earthquake!!. So, I went downstairs too fast than almost fell to the floor... in a second, all my family were embraced down the door frame. I wasn't scared, even I looked everything around me until the earthquake ended. Thanks God, nothing happened to my family and home. After the earthquake, I started the cell radio and I looked for "ADN radio", I listened an hour I think and I went up to my bedroom again. I remember the first aftershock... I was sleeping but it didn't care to me, I slept on. And that is my story.
If I did something to help? yes, I colleted a lot of cloth, I wanted to travel to the zero area but my mom didn't want... so I just helped from the far.

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