miércoles, 21 de abril de 2010

Things I like

I have a lot of things I like to do. For example, since I was a child I like to dance, I remember my aunts used to teaching me salsa and techno music… I looked like a spin in every adult party. Nowadays I like to dance with my friends and joking and laugh. I like to sing too, I put the karaoke on youtube page and I sing with my friends, that makes me happy.
What I said before is for up my mind and spends time with friends. But when I am alone, I like to read books and watch movies. I can do this all day and never get bored. I like drama and romance genres… I don’t know, I put in the place of characters and I can cry, laugh and suffer with them. I know, it’s a little (a lot) of crazy but I like it! with all the movies I learn something new.
When I am with my boyfriend, I like to go to the cinema, and go for an ice-cream at the Bravísimo shop.
And thats are the things I like.

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