miércoles, 28 de abril de 2010

Is Catholic Church in crisis?

Have you seen Martin Luther King?
Well, it shows how the Catholic Church abused of the people, they made people believed that they could pay for their sins with money, they lied about things are (aren’t) in the bible, they didn’t left to the people read the bible…and so much things I don’t remember…despite of the passing of time, nowadays is not very different.
So, I think the Catholic Church always have been problems with people, now are the abused to children, tomorrow can be other hundreds of things. I don’t say doesn’t exist good people in there, but the fame that this church have done is more shocking than anything.
With that kind of behaviour Catholic Church is going to fall, so it’s a very deep theme I think must be considered for people and the Vatican.
The consequences that the Catholic Church might have are many, staring with unbelief of the people to God and mostly the church and her priests. Everyone sins, I can’t argue about that, but unfortunately the Catholic Church sins are too ugly and shameful and horrible. I really hope they can fix their problems and people start to believe again and end this crisis.

miércoles, 21 de abril de 2010

Things I like

I have a lot of things I like to do. For example, since I was a child I like to dance, I remember my aunts used to teaching me salsa and techno music… I looked like a spin in every adult party. Nowadays I like to dance with my friends and joking and laugh. I like to sing too, I put the karaoke on youtube page and I sing with my friends, that makes me happy.
What I said before is for up my mind and spends time with friends. But when I am alone, I like to read books and watch movies. I can do this all day and never get bored. I like drama and romance genres… I don’t know, I put in the place of characters and I can cry, laugh and suffer with them. I know, it’s a little (a lot) of crazy but I like it! with all the movies I learn something new.
When I am with my boyfriend, I like to go to the cinema, and go for an ice-cream at the Bravísimo shop.
And thats are the things I like.

miércoles, 14 de abril de 2010

8.8 richter in Chile!

When the earthquake started, I was sleeping in my bedroom very quiet so... At first time, I didn't know what was happening and I listened a voice very strong saying: down the stairs! it's an earthquake!!. So, I went downstairs too fast than almost fell to the floor... in a second, all my family were embraced down the door frame. I wasn't scared, even I looked everything around me until the earthquake ended. Thanks God, nothing happened to my family and home. After the earthquake, I started the cell radio and I looked for "ADN radio", I listened an hour I think and I went up to my bedroom again. I remember the first aftershock... I was sleeping but it didn't care to me, I slept on. And that is my story.
If I did something to help? yes, I colleted a lot of cloth, I wanted to travel to the zero area but my mom didn't want... so I just helped from the far.

miércoles, 7 de abril de 2010

English class

When I was a child, I used to watch movies and listen music in english and it always liked to me, so... now I want to learn to speak perfectly because I will travel to some country... I think Australia and I need to know the language. Also in the present is very important to speak english, the jobs are more exigent. My expectations in this class are to understand, speak and read english more and better than now. My weakness is to talk so I hope someday, I can make a conversation with some native person without fear and enjoy it.