miércoles, 16 de junio de 2010

Blogging experience

I think that the Blog is a good idea for improve my English and learn too some few new words that I needed to complete my texts. I enjoyed some themes like “Movies”, “Photograph” and “Hobbies” but I think there were some themes a little bored and asked many words! (Maybe the theme just needed 100 words) and I really didn’t know what to write in… for example “A career-related website” and this one.

In my opinion, in general it is a good technique to practice English, and now I can write a more fluid with my friend from Bulgaria and United States because before, I had to look for in a translator often, and now I just search some few words.

Well, the advantages I already said it (more fluidity, learn some other words, maintain a practice). I think too it is a good idea to send us the correction to our mails because there we can see our mistakes and try not to repeat it in other occasions (the next theme or in daily life).

The disadvantages are few, is more… I think there are not. Maybe we can talk about the proposed topics and see our typical mistakes in classes are good ideas because I always forget my mistakes and I need that teacher remember me sometimes: Hey, Scarlette, you always repeat it! Take care with this word or this phrase. And other disadvantage (but little and not too important) is that is much lost time (only sometimes).
But I think in general everything was ok, I enjoy it and I learned a lot… so Thanks.

On purpose, you didn’t sent the correction of “Movies”.
See you on next class.

miércoles, 9 de junio de 2010

Education as a human flourishing

Robinson says that there is a “Second Climate Crisis” (referring to the Algore’s talk) but now it’s calling “The Human Crisis” wich have to be treated with urgency.
We have a poor use of our talents and also there are people who don’t think they have any talent or they don’t enjoy what they do.
People do things that don’t like because the education inhibits the natural talents, so reform the education is not enough; we need a “revolution in education”.

He took a message from Abraham Lincoln wich says:
“The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present. The occasion is piled high with difficulty and we must rise with the occasion. As our case is new so we must think anew and act anew, we must disenthrall ourselves and then we shall save our country”.
The meaning of this message is that many of our ideas have been formed with the circumstances of previous centuries and we have to “disenthrall” ourselves.
He says too that we are obsessed with getting people to college but it’s not always the way for all people now and we are almost forced to go to the college, to be a professional and had a great potential.

As a summary, we have to compare us on principals of agriculture: the human flourishing isn’t a mechanical process, it’s an organic process, and we cannot predict the outcome of human development, but we can create the conditions under which.
We have to reconstitute our sense of ability and of intelligence. It’s about the passion; it excites our spirit and energy because if we do what we love to do, all time’s courses change.

I really never got to thinking in this theme… but I’m agree with Mr. Robinson because since we are children, our parents, teachers and friends want to we were “somebody in this life”, and this society have the bad habit of demanding to be the best and make money, but doesn’t care what you want, what I want to do or for what I’m good. I maybe should be an artist hahaha.

miércoles, 2 de junio de 2010

Once upon a time seven Gnomes

I’m a person who likes fun and sharing with friends and I always think that the moments must be taxed in photography, to remember it when the time has gone. Because of this, I always bring my camera and I take pictures at all times.

I have thousands of photos without exaggeration and sometimes, when I’m bored I look them and I remember and laugh with some photos that not even remember that they existed.

My special photography was taken on December, 2007. It was the last week in my school as a high school student. It is special for me because are all my best friends in there (including me) and it’s a little funny because we are in order from least to greatest height and besides we assign numbers according to our height. I really love this photograph. We have called us “Gnomes”.

Appears in the photo (from left to right):

Gertye (Gnome one), Pepa (Gnome two), Cami (Gnome three), Angie (Gnome four), Mely (Gnome five), Me (Gnome six) and Paola (Gnome seven).

We are very close since we were fifteen years old. Now we see us less often but still we know each other and when we have time, we met and talked about our lives, we advice us, we laugh, take photos and had a nice time. I love them and I hope we always be friends.